Title: Sayonara Haru no hi
Artist: Nasu (Kawamura Takashi and Fuji Syusuke)
Release Date: 14th March 2012
Hoaaahh.. I think a lot of Group Band/Vocal in Prince of Tennis. Maybe, they can make boybands. Hohoho ^o^
Dear Prince, let’s meet each other
Dear Prince, I don’t need any reason
Dear Prince, do the best
Dear Prince, I love this place
I’ll keep on watching you, until win
That morning, I woke up earlier than usual
I packed my bag excitedly
Even though I get the courage that you tell to me
Those cheers have yet to reach me
Unyielding and persevering
In the approaching sun
You take your place on the court
Like the transparent moon
Together in the best chance (chance of lifetime)
Even you let it escape (don’t worry about it)
It’s not the end of the world
Yeah! Let’s keep moving forward
Get ready! Let’s meet each other
Get ready! I don’t need any reason
Get ready! Do the best
Get ready! I love this place
Ready, go! Let’s connecting hands
Ready, go! To you who never run away
Ready, go! Because it’s a present
Ready, go! Make us proud
The strength that I reach to you
Is still the first
But the ‘Happy Dream’ from you
Are as numerous as the stars
More than usual, persevere, persevere
Never give up although there are times when you lose
I get double of the strength that you sent me
But it isn’t enough yet
It’s time to show your full strength
As I run flying across, 2 tears of regret track across my face
“Just winning or losing isn’t everything”
Just who was it, who said that?
Someday, someone (In the course of time)
My self’s dream (My sweet dream)
They tell me to give up
But I don’t want to!
Get ready! For tomorrow
Get ready! Accept the risk
Get ready! Can you handle it?
Get ready! Even it’ll be tough
Ready, go! Tennis ball
Ready, go! Grip it
Ready, go! Inside the pressure
Ready, go! Break the limit
Each time you raech the little strength
That I sent to you
From now on stories
Together we’ll draw it
My friend
Dear Prince, let’s meet each other
Dear Prince, I don’t need any reason
Dear Prince, do the best
Dear Prince, I love this place
Ready, go! Let’s connecting hands
Ready, go! To you who never run away
Ready, go! Because it’s a present
Ready, go! Make us proud
Up until now, I’ve gathered a lot of courage
In this town that full of blooming blossoms
Let’s have a big laugh!!
Thank you!
USA Info
Japanese Info
Ryoma Echizen
Ryouma Echizen
12 1/2 years old
12 1/2 years old
Black or Dark green
Black or Dark green
151 cm
You still have lots more to work
"Mada mada dane"