Title: Recorder & Randsell (Rikoodaa to Randoseru)
TV Title: Recorder to RandoseruDuration: 3 minutes
Genre: School, Seinen, Drama, Comedy, Slice of Life
Age Rating: Teen +13
-Recorder to Randoseru Do: January 5, 2012 - March 28, 2012
-Recorder to Randoseru Re: April 4, 2012 - Ongoing
The story started from the Miyagawa siblings with the strange appearance. Atsushi, the elementary school boy with adult appearance, and Atsumi, the high school girl with young appearance.
Recorder to Randoseru Do (Episode 1 - 13):
Atsushi & Atsumi (Episode 1):
The story started when Atsushi prepared to recorder exam. Then, when the high-school girls saw him, they were so scared when they heard sound of Atsushi's recorder. And the other day, Atsushi & Atsumi went to school together, then Atsumi met her friend, Sayo. As Atsumi, Atsushi met his friend too, named Hina-chan. When Atsushi spoke to Hina-chan, the woman that walk around saw them and thought Atsushi would kidnapped Hina-chan. So, that woman called the police and then the police came to caught Atsushi.
Recorder to Randoseru Re (Episode 14 - Ongoing):
New Students and Misunderstanding (Episode 14):
The story started when the the new school year's start, both Atsushi & Atsumi face misunderstanding with new students. The first year children at elementary school thought Atsushi is "Sensei". And in Atsumi's high school, The first years thought she's the genius child that skipped elementary school and became high-schooler.
Well,, I just give you a few synopsis. If you want the other stories, you have to watch this anime. Have a good day, minna ^^