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Sunday, March 02, 2014

Kiat-Kiat CFD yang Nyaman dan Menyenangkan Ala なっち

Long time no see! It's been a while since I didn't make some posting in this blog. So busy and lazy haha!
Well, now I use Bahasa in this post.

Ok, udah beberapa pekan ini gue sering ke CFD cuma gara-gara gue jomblo *lho*. Tapi dengan CFD ini, gue jadi merasa lebih fresh dan stress pun hilang. Ide untuk blogging pun muncul deh. Jadi, ceritanya gue disini mau cerita-cerita soal pengalaman CFD yang tiap minggunya selalu berbeda, juga dengan kiat-kiat yang rada bercanda tapi bisa jadi guide juga buat yang baru-baru, muehehehe. Sebelumnya sigue minta muup nih karena gak bisa masukkin foto, lupa gue gak bawa digicam. Ok now, Let's to the point!

1. Persiapkan dirimu semaksimal mungkin
Hal yang pertama yang harus lo lakuin adalah prepare. Prepare apa? Ya prepare diri lo donk. Yang dimaksud prepare disini adalah segala yang lo butuhin nanti. Gak usah ribet-ribet sih, make it simple and easy. Yang pasti lo juga harus sehat dan bugar. Masa mau CFD-an bareng couple lo mau lemes, kumel, dan ngejengkelin sih? Apalagi kalau lo jomblo, lo bakalan semakin ngenes dengan keadaan seperti itu.

2. Sarapan, minum, duit
Lo juga jangan sampai lupa sama 3 elemen sakral ini *wogh*. Sarapan itu udah jadi hal utama yang gak boleh lo tinggalin sebelum olahraga. Kalau disana lo lari-larian dengan keadaan lapar, dijamin perut lo bakal kram tak tertahankan. Belum lagi maag dan segala penyakit lainnya. Lo juga harus bawa minum. Disana itu gak ada minum gratis, suwer. Jadi kalau lo kehausan gegara lari-larian, lo harus segera minum. Elemen ketiga ini adalah yang terpenting. Duit! Kalau lo lupa sarapan, lupa bawa minum, nah lo tinggal beli disana. Tapi gak usah bawa banyak-banyak, nanti boros. Berbagi pengalaman aja nih. Kalau lo bawa duit banyak, terus jalan sama sahabat lo, jamin boros deh. Disana banyak yang jualan bro, macem-macem. Belum lagi kalau temen lo itu minta traktir banyak banget, mintanya yang aneh-aneh. Langsung tipis dompetnya hahaha!

3. Jangan pakai sandal yang gak nyaman
Tau sandal yang pasaran itu kan? Yang namanya kroks? Nah, mending lo hindari deh pakai sandal yang gituan. Di CFD itu kan pasti jalan, mending lo pakai sandal yang lebih nyaman dan aman. Kalau perlu sepatu aja deh. Pengalaman pribadi, jadi gue pernah jalan di CFD lalu balik-balik kaki gue lecet dimana-mana. Perih bro *curhat*

4. Sendiri, ok. Berdua, cucok. Rame-rame, gila!
Sebenernya lo bebas-bebas aja sih mau pergi sendiri atau sama siapa. Asyik-asyik aja ko. Menurut pengalaman, kalau lo jalan sendiri, lo ngerasain gimana hidup itu bebas dan bisa interaksi sama yang lain juga. Tapi gak enaknya, gak ada orang yang bisa diajak ngobrol atau canda-candaan. Kalau jalan berdua, biasanya yang kayak gini tuh couple. Kalian dapat mempererat hubungan dan jadinya makin akrab. Apalagi yang lagi PDKT. Tapi ya resikonya pasti ada konflik dimana ego-egonya tuh bermunculan, atau kalau yang masih friendzone, rada ngerasa awkward gitu. Nah, kalau rame-rame, dijamin bakal ngakak. Dimulai dari ngeledek-ledekkin orang, ketawa bareng, ngetawain bareng, pokoknya gila-gilaan deh. Gak perlu deh lo jaga image, lo udah terlihat gila beneran.....

5. Saling menjaga
CFD tidak terhindar dari kejahatan. Ya iyalah, namanya tempat umum. Gue sih belum pernah mengalami hal ini, tapi yang pasti ini buat safety juga. Jaga barang-barang berharga lo, jaga diri lo, dan jaga juga teman-teman lo. Kejahatan terjadi bukan karena niat, tapi karena ada kesempatan. Waspadalah, waspadalah....

Ya mungkin baru 5 poin itu yang gue dapet dari pengalaman gue. Semoga kalian para viewers bisa terhibur sama ini post. Just to entertain, but it may useful someday. Kalau ada tambahan, bakal gue update deh.

Thanks to my comrades yang udah bikin CFD pertama gue heboh dan menggelegar. Thanks to my best friend, Nalanda, yang udah nemenin gue sambil ngenalin gue ke Grow juga. The last and special thanks to my senior, Kang Hilmi, yang udah nyempetin waktunya buat CFD minggu ini dan jalan-jalan ke Taman Jomblo. Pokoknya gue seneng bukan main dah!
Yosh, Mata ne~


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Tari Tari (Summer Anime 2012)

Type: TV
Episodes: 13
Aired: July 1 to ???
Genres: School Life
Duration 24 min x 13

The story centers around five Japanese high school students who are too young to be called adults, but who no longer think of themselves as children. Wakana Sakai once took music lessons, but she withdrew from music after losing her mother. Konatsu Miyamoto is a positive-thinking girl who loves singing and spends time after school at the vocal music club. Sawa Okita is a spirited archery club member who dreams of becoming a horse rider. Taichi Tanaka is a chronically late badminton team member who lives with his college student sister. "Wien" just transferred into Wakana's class after 12 years abroad in Austria. Music brings Wakana, Konatsu, Sawa and the others together into an ensemble during their last summer in high school (Source: Wikipedia)
Episode List:
Tari Tari Episode 1: Click Here to watch Tari Tari Episode 1
Tari Tari Episode 2: Click Here to watch Tari Tari Episode 2
Tari Tari Episode 3: Click Here to watch Tari Tari Episode 3
Tari Tari Episode 4: Click Here to watch Tari Tari Episode 4
Tari Tari Episode 5: Click Here to watch Tari Tari Episode 5
Tari Tari Episode 6: Click Here to watch Tari Tari Episode 6
Tari Tari Episode 7: Click Here to watch Tari Tari Episode 7


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

AKB0048 Episodes

Konbanwa, minna..

I've done to watch AKB0048 episode 1. I think the story so entertaining. At episode 1, you will feel excited, strained, upset, until touched. So fun, isn't it?
Well,, now I will share the streaming video for you.

AKB0048 Episode 1: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 1 (Title: Uneraseable Dream, Jp: Kesenai Yume 消せない夢) (Aired at April 30th, 2012, Eng-subs: May 1st)
AKB0048 Episode 2: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 2 (Title: The Chosen Light, Jp: Erabareshi Hikari 選ばれし光) (Aired at May 6th, 2012, Eng-subs: May 7th)
AKB0048 Episode 3: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 3 (Title: Stardust Selection, Jp: Hoshikuzu serekushon 星屑セレクション) (Aired at May 13th, 2012, Eng-subs: May 14th)
AKB0048 Episode 4: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 4 (Title: I Won't Let Down Their Efforts, Jp: Sono Doryoku Uragiranai その努力裏切らない)(Aired at May 20th, 2012, Eng-subs: May 20th)
AKB0048 Episode 5: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 5 (Title: Their Day Off, Jp: Sorezore no Kyuujitsu それぞれの休日) (Aired at May 27th, 2012, Eng-subs: May 28th)
AKB0048 Episode 6: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 6 (Title: Handshake Debut, Jp: Hajimete no Akushukai 初めての握手会) (Aired at June 3rd, 2012, Eng-subs: June 4th)
AKB0048 Episode 7: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 7 (Title: Kirara of Succession, Jp: Shuumei Kirara 襲名キララ) (Aired at June 10th, 2012, Eng-subs: June 11th)
AKB0048 Episode 8: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 8 (Title: To Whom Does That Name Belong? , Jp: Sono Namae wa, Dare no Mono? その名前、誰のもの? ) (Aired at June 17th, 2012, Eng-subs: June 18th)
AKB0048 Episode 9: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 9 (Title: Emotion Relation, Jp: Kimochi Rirēshon キモチリレーション) (Aired at June 24th, 2012, Eng-subs: June 25th)
AKB0048 Episode 10: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 10 (Miracle of the Waves. Jp: Namima no Kiseki 波間のキセキ) (Aired at July 1st, 2012, Eng-subs: July 2nd)
AKB0048 Episode 11: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 11 (Return to Lancastar, Jp: Rankasutā Futatabi ランカスター再び) (Aired at July 8th, 2012, Eng-subs: July 9th)
AKB0048 Episode 12: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 12 (Title: The Idol Who Sings of Love, Jp: Ai wa Utau Aidoru 愛をうたうアイドル) (Aired at July 15th, 2012, Eng-subs: July 16th)
AKB0048 Episode 13: Click Here to watch AKB0048 Episode 13 (Title: For Their Smiles. Jp: Egao no Tame ni 笑顔のために) (Aired at July 22th, 2012, Eng-subs: July 23th)

This isn't the Final of AKB0048. Because AKB0048 2nd Season will aired in 2013 and we will know who will be the Center Nova and the 14th Atsuko Maeda ^^


Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Rinne no Lagrange

It's winter anime. Because the second season will be aired near July, I want to post about the first season of Rinne no Legrange

Type: TV
Alternative Name: The Flower of Rinne, Flower Decraration of Your Heart, Lag-Rin
Episodes: 12
Aired: Dec 25, 2011 to Mar 25, 2012
Genres: Action, Comedy, Mecha
Duration: 23 min x 12

Madoka Kyouno is an energetic girl who is full of passion. As the proud, and only, member of the Kamogawa Girls' High School Jersey Club, she goes around helping people in need.
Madoka's life is turned upside down when she is suddenly asked by a mysterious girl named Lan to pilot a robot. Motivated by her desire to protect the people and city of Kamogawa, Madoka agrees to pilot the resurrected Vox robot to fight against extraterrestrials that have come to attack Earth. (Source:

Rinne no Lagrange Episode 1: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 1
Rinne no Lagrange Episode 2: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 2
Rinne no Lagrange Episode 3: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 3
Rinne no Lagrange Episode 4: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 4
Rinne no Lagrange Episode 5: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 5
Rinne no Lagrange Episode 6: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 6
Rinne no Lagrange Episode 7: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 7
Rinne no Lagrange Episode 8: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 8
Rinne no Lagrange Episode 9: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 9
Rinne no Lagrange Episode 10: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 10
Rinne no Lagrange Episode 11: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 11
Rinne no Lagrange Episode 12: Click Here to Watch Rinne no Lagrange Episode 12


Monday, July 02, 2012

Hiiro no Kakera

When I have long holidays, I spent my time to searched some anime. Then, I found this. Hiiro no Kakera. Actually, it's the Spring Anime, contemporary with AKB0048 and Recorder to Randoseru Re. But, I recently watched it yesterday.

Synopsis: The protagonist is a teenage girl (Tamaki) who revisits a small village she remembers from her childhood and gets caught up in her family's history and the supernatural dangers surrounding it.
While walking along the hillsides waiting for the person who her grandmother sent to fetch Tamaki to the village, Tamaki comes across a small, white round object with sticks for limbs and talks. It runs off soon after, with Tamaki chasing after it. Soon Tamaki finds herself in a place where ‘it doesn’t feel like the world I came from’. She gets attacked by three slime creatures, and a male comes charging in to save her - by clamping his hands around her body and mouth and telling her to be quiet. After the young man (Takuma) saves he walks her to the village where her grandmother is staying. Soon after her arrival she meets with her grandmother, which is soon explained that she has to continue the role of ancestor princess Tamayori ,to seal the sword Onikirimaru with the help of her five guardians. (Source: Wikipedia)

List of Anime:

Hiiro no Kakera Episode 1: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 2: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 3: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 4: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 5: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 6: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 7: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 8: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 9: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 10: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 11: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 12: Click Here
Hiiro no Kakera Episode 13: Click Here

Hope you can enjoy this anime too ^^


New Summer Anime 2012

I think I wanna post about new summer anime 2012. Just a few title of anime. But, if you wanna see some trailers, you can see these 2 videos :))

Rinne no Lagrange (Second Season)
Tari Tari
Jinrui wa Suitai shimashita
Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse
Yuri Yuru ♪ ♪ (Second season)
Chouyaku Hyakuninisshu: Koi Uta.
Rendezvous Natsuyuki
Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate
Moyashimon Returns
Kono and Naka Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!
Yuusha no Estetica Hagure
Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai

Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai.
DOG DAYS '(second season)
Sword Art Online
Connect Kokoro
Senjou no Kyoukai Horizon II (second season)
Oda Nobuna no Yabou
Ebiten: Kouritsu Ebisugawa Koukou Tenmonbu

: PV Series no:
Chitose Get You!
Arcane Famiglia
Binbougami ga!
Tanken Driland
Hakuouki Reimeiroku

I have chosen some anime. I like anime with science fiction and slice of life genre. At the first, I wanna post anime with Ecchi (H) genre like "Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai". But, I thought it's too adult and I will get a few viewers. So,, I feel Sci-Fi and Slice of Life is the best for me XD

Source: Youtube


Friday, June 29, 2012

Recorder to Randoseru Episodes

Minna! I've disscussed Recorder to Randoseru story at another post. Then, I'll give you the link of RecoRan episodes.

Recorder to Randoseru Do

Recorder to Randoseru episode 1: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 2: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 3: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 4: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 5: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 6: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 7: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 8: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 9: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 10: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 11: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 12: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 13: Click Here

Recorder to Randoseru Re

Recorder to Randoseru episode 14: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 15: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 16: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 17: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 18: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 19: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 20: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 21: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 22: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 23: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 24: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 25: Click Here
Recorder to Randoseru episode 26: Click Here
More,, ongoing..

Watch it, ~nya!
